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New Zealand, new El Dorado for entrepreneurs

S'installer en Nouvelle-ZélandeS'installer en Nouvelle-Zélande
by Dan Freeman on Unsplash
Écrit par Lepetitjournal.com Auckland
Publié le 16 juillet 2019, mis à jour le 16 mars 2020

Ranked the most business friendly country by Doing Business 2018, New Zealand is a good place for investment and entrepreneurship. Overview of this new El Dorado of the South Pacific located 18,000 km from France:

A flexible and dynamic economy

New Zealand has built a stable environment for investment and economic development as a result of structural reforms in labour law, monetary policy and incentive tax policy. Despite a difficult period following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 New Zealand is one of the most dynamic Western countries in recent years. The unemployment rate (a major indicator of the healthy state of the country) is around 4%, which means that the country is in a situation approaching full employment. Its growth rate has been positive over 33 of the last 35 years and has even exceeded 3% in 2017.

Despite a rather small domestic market New Zealand has one of the most flexible economies in the OECD. It is mainly based on the primary sector (50% of its exports) while the tourism sector is booming (about 20% of the national economy). Alongside with these two pillars the country is seeking a prime position in the digital arena: a reform implemented in 2005 should pay off by 2020. The development strategy of this digital branch allows the country to compensate for its geographical distance as reported by the French New Zealand Chamber of Commerce.


S'installer en Nouvelle-Zélande


A land favourable to entrepreneurship

It's easy to start a business equivalent to an SARL (LTD) in New Zealand: 24 hours and a few hundred dollars is enough. Administrative flexibility and moderate tax pressure are two of the main elements of this entrepreneurial ease. Its geographical location too: nestled in the heart of the Pacific New Zealand is at the gateway to Asia. India and Australia are only a few days away by boat and only a few hours by plane. Finally, the reasonable size of the country and the quality of its communication network make it an interesting test market, facilitating the experimentation of products before moving to a larger scale. The government has also opened its doors to auto-entrepreneurs as well as foreign employees in recent years. Several visas are available under certain conditions to allow you to create or buy an existing business and come to New Zealand.


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